Thursday, April 12, 2012

And the wait begins....

Currently, I am writing to you from Room 4415 at Women's and Children's Hospital in Columbia, MO.

The twins (thankfully still in utereo) and I have been admitted since March 30. I was having some major issues with pregnancy-induced hypertension, along side gestational diabetes, and lab tests on on the 30th also revealed a large amount of protein in my urine. So high BP + protein = mild preeclampsia --> hospitalized bed rest for Bec until delivery.

Good news - at our ultrasound last week, M was about 2 lbs 9 oz, and C was about 2 lbs 2 oz, which are actually pretty good sizes for 28.5 week twins! We go again tomorrow.

Adam's been so great through all of this. He went back to work last Thursday, but still faithfully sleeps on the couch in my room each night.

We have been so blessed by so many visitors, phone calls, emails, texts, and especially prayers! We had a bit of a scare on the 5th, and thought we might have to have a c-section that day. Luckily, I woke up on Wednesday morning feeling pretty good and have consistently gotten better since then.

I've been spending my time reading, napping, watching TV and trying to learn all I can about premature babies, multiples, breastfeeding, c-sections and anything else that has to do with new parenting. Book/blog recommendations are highly encouraged :)

My doctors and nurses have been amazingly supportive. My BP has stabilized and all labs have been normal (other signs of worsening of the preeclampsia include elevated liver enzymes and some others I can't always remember). This morning, we were told that they expect us to go another 2 weeks if not 4! Such great news! 2 weeks would put us just shy of 32 weeks. That's kind of been our goal since I was admitted.

Also - if you know how to knit, crochet, etc...I would love to learn how! I have tried to do a basic crochet kit I got from my CMAEYC board friends, but it has been an epic fail.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Changes are a coming....

obviously i've taken quite a break from my one post blog. I have pics to post of Pop's and his mizzou shirts and hats, but we've had a lot of other changes in our lives to share.

Adam and I both started new positions at work over the past couple of months - he's now a JD working in Marketing, and I've moved into a Coordinator position at the Center for Family Policy and Research at Mizzou. My job is basically what i've been striving to do: working with early childhood programs and helping them achieve quality. What's better than making the world a better place and learning environment for the kids? Quality ECE = kiddos ready for school = young adults ready for the workforce. i just wish everyone else (or especially policy makers in JCMO and DC) could see what a difference a little more money in ECE could make for child and family outcomes. its getting better - but not near close enough.

So needless to say we've been a bit busy and some priorities have gotten pushed back.