Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Changes are a coming....

obviously i've taken quite a break from my one post blog. I have pics to post of Pop's and his mizzou shirts and hats, but we've had a lot of other changes in our lives to share.

Adam and I both started new positions at work over the past couple of months - he's now a JD working in Marketing, and I've moved into a Coordinator position at the Center for Family Policy and Research at Mizzou. My job is basically what i've been striving to do: working with early childhood programs and helping them achieve quality. What's better than making the world a better place and learning environment for the kids? Quality ECE = kiddos ready for school = young adults ready for the workforce. i just wish everyone else (or especially policy makers in JCMO and DC) could see what a difference a little more money in ECE could make for child and family outcomes. its getting better - but not near close enough.

So needless to say we've been a bit busy and some priorities have gotten pushed back.